lut 20 2006

forum time! XD

Komentarze: 1

Pointless observation - why does Neddy alwas stick his tongue out when he's about to kick a ball?

"I think Pavel's tongue is too long to keep in his mouth..."

"Think about his abs... his muscular legs... his sexy wavy hair... his magical hands..."

"Awwww, the sweet little mophead!!"



where the "ne" part is like "knee"

the "aaa" part is like the "e" in "ever"

and the "vi-ed" is like "VIETnam" but substituting the "T' with a "D"

let's say: NEDVED~!


oh, and Pavel is:

"pa" as in "papa"

and "vel" as in "graVEL"

let's say: PAVEL~!



666zmierzch666 : :
20 lutego 2006, 20:12
let\'s sayL PAVEL NEDVED~~~!!!!! go, go, Neddy Bear!!!

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